Cookie Making:
"'s sticky!" "Rudolph's legs fell off!" "Can I eat this white stuff?" These were all the most adorable comments I heard coming from this station. It was so cute to see their eyes light up in wonder when they made the connection between that squishy dough to the cookie they ate 5 minutes later. Interesting enough, they were not the least bit interested in all of the icing and goodies I brought to decorate. Americans...we love our sugar:)
After listening to the story The Legend of the Candy Cane, the students were eager to make their own candy canes to share the story to their families. When they finished that, they had paper plate angels to symbolize the first messengers of the Christmas story.
Making Words:
"at, cat, chat, chart, charts"...just a few of the many words that could be made here with the letters s h r s t m a i c. The students had to cut up the letters (that together made the mystery word: Christmas) and make lots of little words. They loved it! Trick them into learning...a teacher's most convincing scheme ;)
Christmas Books:
The simple nature of this station reminded me of a baby who gets a new toy and only plays with the box. Basically, they are content with something not so elaborate or fancy...just simple. Put first grade students with something they can color (or a book they can re-read again later) and some crayons, and you have them occupied for quite some time!

"at, cat, chat, chart, charts"...just a few of the many words that could be made here with the letters s h r s t m a i c. The students had to cut up the letters (that together made the mystery word: Christmas) and make lots of little words. They loved it! Trick them into learning...a teacher's most convincing scheme ;)

The simple nature of this station reminded me of a baby who gets a new toy and only plays with the box. Basically, they are content with something not so elaborate or fancy...just simple. Put first grade students with something they can color (or a book they can re-read again later) and some crayons, and you have them occupied for quite some time!