Saturday, February 19, 2011

A new hobby

As the cold temperatures kept us inside for most of the winter, Dave and I quickly realized a void we needed to fill.....a hobby. As we were currently filling the void with TV shows and more planning for school, an idea popped into my head. "Why not bring up an old skill that has been dormant for about 10 years?" Sewing! Back when I was in middle school I used to sew things for home economics (gym bags, aprons, etc.) so I was already familiar all of the sewing machine lingo. While yes it was a bit impulsive to just go an buy a sewing machine, I was amazed at how fast I was able to pick it up! Here are some pictures of the first thing I made just hours after bringing my new toy home:

This adorable little machine has kept me quite entertained all weekend!

Realizing that the only scraps in my house were from school decorations (curtains and chair bags), I decided to work with it and see what I could come up with. Why not make a bag? Who couldn't use another bag?

With the denim on the outside, I can wear it with more outfits!

The next morning when I looked at it, I felt like it was missing something. I decided to cut and handstitch a flower to the front. I guess I'll have to rock the denim/rough fabric look.

Ever since this new machine has entered my house it has began a world of innovation! The next day I created a matching wallet and started on re-fashioning some old t-shirts. Crazy to think that I could pick this up that fast. I guess it's like riding a bike...once you have the basics, you will always be able to pick it up. I'll have to keep you updated with some of my new creations :)