Drive...eat....drive...shop....drive...sleep.....start the pattern again. I cannot imagine what it must feel like for those who frequently do road trips. I just don't think it's in me. Or maybe it's the fact that I refuse to drive stick shift....so therefore imprisoning myself to the passenger seat for hours on end. Why do I do this to myself?
This past week we have been a bit "off schedule" for lack of a better phrase. Yet the glorious thing about this lack of routine has been the spontaneity of our lunch/dinner dates with good friends! Good ol' facebook has allowed us to reconnect with both old and new friends in our college area. What a nostaligic time! My brother and sister are also now living in the area so they graciously allowed us to crash at their place for a couple nights while we hit the ground running to meet up with old memories.
We had forgotten how temperamental the Lynchburg weather is. One minute it was a gorgeous sunny day and then BAM! Out of no where, it was pouring down rain so hard that picnic umbrellas were flying across parking lots! Luckily we were safely inside a coffee shop to enjoy the storm.

We were so privileged to see our good friend Benny at our Alma Mater! He is taking some doctorate classes for the next two weeks, so we were able to show him around a bit and take him out for dinner :).

I sure do miss the beauty of Liberty's campus.

Our next destination to Hilton head South Carolina came a bit quicker than expected. Dave's grandma accidentally fell leaving her hip broken with immediate surgery. Good thing we were only 8 hours away and could come down to see her! She is doing well and is in good spirits (Gram, you always are!), yet prayers for her continued healing and recovery would be appreciated.

New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, and then Florida on Friday! We are so excited to just sit and veg on the beach for an entire week. We can rest our weary traveling bodies so that we have the energy to drive back UP the coast! But hey, we get to see my best friend from college on the way back up! Monica, we're almost there!