Instead of focusing on how long it has been since my last post and updating everything that has gone on for the last 3 months, I would rather start FRESH. Honestly, this whole semester so far has felt like a big wave that is
finally over my head. You ever get that feeling when you were a kid playing at the beach and you go under a wave, but you feel like it takes forever before the water actually moves over and you wonder if you'll find the way to the surface? Yep. That's how I felt. Except my wave was grad work, new 1st grade learners adapting, and juggling both while staying sane. But it's at a calm spot now. My creative juices and the "real me" is coming back and it feels good. Really good. So...just like I feel I have a fresh start again to get back into the groove of life, this blog is going to start fresh....from the latest funny story, cause that's how I like to blog. Funny, memorable moments that are captured. Not long huge updates that feel overwhelming to even start putting into words.
So here goes the latest...
I have been falling in love with this new website called pinterest. It was first introduced to me by my sister-in-law, and she is right, it is a completely addicting website full of people tagging their creative, innovative, interests all over the website like a tag board. What a perfect website! After perusing through pinterest this weekend, I came across some adorable things I could implement into my classroom. The newest is this cute bulletin board inspired by McDonald's.
Check it out:

This is where is brings me to my funny story. I happened to be eating at a McDonald's yesterday with my friend when I thought of the idea to ask if they sold the fry boxes. One of the ladies on the cleaning staff politely told me that they didn't sell them, so I told her no problem and I carried on with my meal. About a minute later, she taps me on my shoulder and hands me a recycled fry container. "Aww, how cute!" I thought to myself. "She remembered!" But that was only the beginning. All throughout my meal, she would periodically come over, tap me, and dump 2-3 more boxes on my tray. With a little laugh and head nod of appreciation I would go back to my meal only to be tapped again with 5 more! In a matter of 15 minutes I had about 25 boxes! Luckily we had finished our meal so I could tell her we had plenty before she piled anymore on.

Oh China, you are full of such generous and helpful people! I will never forget that day. And hey, I am ready to make that bulletin board now and at no extra cost!