Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Evans' Update

Comming Soon...


  1. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures! love,

  2. Lauren and Dave have safely arrived in Shenyang. They made it to their apartment 2:00am their time. They are having difficulty with facebook and this blog. I will try to post comments as I hear from them.

    John Chase

  3. Thanks for the update, Mr. Chase! I look forward to hearing how things are going in China, Dave and Lauren!! Much love and lots of prayers!

  4. Barb was able to talk with Lauren and Dave this morning- as in Wednesday- August 19th- their evening. Please lift both of them up. Married life is going well, apartment is going well- but school is tough for them right now. If you could especially lift Lauren up- she has 17 first graders, 7 of them do not speak any English. Her challenge of trying to communicate, get them to focus, combined with her eager desire to teach is overwhelming right now. But they both are clinging to the fact that they serve an awesome G who has called them both to this role, and that he will also equip them for what he has called them to do. They did battle for about 4 days with stomach issues- due to their adjustment to the food and bacterias- now they are much better. They have found a place to fellowship at, but are continuing to check out other sites. Thank you for your continued upward support and for your words of encouragement to them.

  5. Dave and Lauren, glad to finally get to make a comment. I am a slow learner. We will now be checking every day for your next update. Love Grandma R.

  6. Lauren and Dave! I've figured out how to join this google blog fun. Looking forward to hearing from you both soon! Love you
