Monday, May 3, 2010

"Oh those China adventures..."

So it's been a while since I last posted, but I thought I would reminisce a little bit (only a couple months back) about some great "China moments" thus far. While there ARE memories that top or surpass the ones I have here, I only wanted to post the ones that we were actually able to capture on camera. They will most likely make you feel emotions of "Oh my, what in the world?" or "wow, how conventional!". At least that's what we thought...

#1 - A typical way to transport stuff (a.k.a. junk, trash, etc.)

#2 Who said that only hamsters and "Bubble boy" could ride in one of these? I had to fight the urge not to join the 5 year olds and make myself look like a fool.

#3 Funny story: First, Dave and I rode a bike down to go pick up this desk we bought from a friend. Did you hear the part "rode A bike"? Just one bike. We have seen all of the other Chinese women just sit side saddle on the back and thought it was a piece of cake. That was until we hit a puddle with a hidden pothole and both of us landed with a thud and then a splash...yep, right in the puddle. We ended up walking/waddling the rest of the way. Once we bought the desk, it was then that we realized it would not fit into a taxi. We had an interesting time practicing our Chinese while we asked a random guy with a bike/rickshaw to carry me and the desk back to our place (only 5 min away). I am so glad that we actually had our camera with us that time!

#4 - One of my numerous outings to the furniture market. This time I was with a good friend practicing our "bartering techniques" when getting a carpet for my classroom. We go there so often we have worked up quite the friendly relationship with the people there. I thought I would post it here to display a significant amount of my shopping adventures.

#5 Privacy is obviously not a top priority here in China. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the silk market in Beijing, they pull a little sheet for us to change behind. At first I just looked at them and laughed like "Are you serious?". But apparently they were. After a while, you get used to the staring and just become painfully aware that about 20 strangers just saw your underwear.

#6 You could go ice skating OR look like a little granny and skid the whole way......I
chose to look elderly while my husband pushed me around. Wow, I hope that is not a look into the future or anything.
#7 Normal people cross over the river by taking the bridge. The Evans' decide to literally bike over the frozen river. It's worth it if you are willing to sacrifice looking sane to the rest of your friends.

We hope you enjoyed a tidbit about our little China adventures. More to come!


  1. Wow, those are great! Is it really that cold right now? It is finally starting to warm up here. We had graduation at GCC outside yesterday, which was absolutely beautiful. So I am officially a college graduate!

    Prayers for you both,

  2. Ok, I so want to do #3. It looks like it would be so fun!

  3. These are great little snippets of your life in China. Thanks for posting.
