Sunday, November 7, 2010

Always ready to give an answer

As we just finished up the first round of parent teacher conferences this past week (and with only 7 to do instead of the 20 like last year!), I had a lot of time to sit and reflect. My rambling thoughts were somewhat in the direction of "what would I have said last year if a parent asked me this same question?" Questions such as:

"What are your methods for teaching a balanced literacy program?"

"What is your pedagogy?"

"What is your philosophy for teaching students how to read and write?"

"Why do you teach _____ the way you do?"

"Can you explain the meaning of this bulletin board/display?"

All I could think of was.....Praise Him that I was not asked these types of questions last year! But that's just it! He prepared me enough that I could not only answer each question, but I could with confidence. Last year, he granted me challenges yet nothing that I could not handle. In his own timing, he added to the challenge but prepared and provided for me to the same degree! What a sweet relief to actually be ready to give a confident answer to the knowledge and passion that I had. Sometimes it is so hard to describe the heartbeat and passion to teach their child in one small parent/teacher conference - there just is not enough time (especially when a 1/3 of the time is taken away from your words being translated two ways before getting to the parent).

Then like my thoughts always tend to thought lead to another. I held this great passion for teaching, and I was confidently ready to give an answer when I was challenged with a critical or overprotective parent. Yet would I be that confident and ready to give an answer to the TRUE hope that was in my heart? 1 Peter 3:15 says to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

I sincerely hope that I am prepared to give an answer for both my teaching and the Truth.

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