Out for another weekend adventure in search of classroom decorations, family gifts, and a good time! It is always such an experience to step out of our gated community and into the realms of the good ol' market. Jaywalking through oncoming traffic, dodging spitballs from the mouths of store owners (who are talking to you), and the frequent "Hello....Look.....You buy?!?" This market feels like the aisles of any busy story on black friday. The only thing is that it is just another normal Saturday afternoon.

Would you like a bouquet of stuffed animals?
This is how you shop for nail polish in China....just sort through the piles.
Life-sized stuffed animals. You can find these EVERYWHERE!
This Santa not only is as tall as me, but he dances and sings! He is worth the picture for the "creepy" factor.
The catch all store for wrapping and decorating gifts. In China, you just buy sheets of wrapping paper instead of the rolls...different, but usually more sturdy!
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