I love long walks. Especially on days with blue skies, nothing scheduled, and I don't have to wear long underwear anymore. I love walks because it's time for me to just think. Think about life. Think about connections to people I'm watching, things I'm observing or wondering. It's almost this wierd complex inside my head with a 2 year old always asking "Why?" and then me trying to find an answer to my own questions. At least I don't talk to myself...not in public that is.
I had a moment where it felt like I was standing in two places at once. A part of me was observing bundled layers, frozen river, dirty snow...Winter. The other half was feeling warm air, hearing birds chirping, and seeing more people outside...Spring. The idea of seaons changing is so magical. Watching the dead come to life with a new purpose and new meaning. My thoughts trailed to the Nicole Nordeman song
Every Season when she sings:
"And everything that's new, is bravely surfaced
teaching us to breathe
and what was frozen through is newly purposed
turning all things green
So it is with you, as you make me new
with every seasons change
and so it will be, as you are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring."
What a joy it is to notice the perfection and timing of His plan. How everything, every time and season, every storm and trial are in such timed precision. Looking forward to the new things that will blossom in this year!