I formulated my latest idea from collaborating with my good friends in the elementary department. Some of them have instilled the idea of sending a stuffed animal and journal home every weekend with a special student. After they return with the journal, they get to share it with the class. I took this idea and changed it up a bit to fit the needs of my classroom and now we have the "Writer's Suitcase". I found this antique looking suitcase/briefcase at on of the local markets and filled it with different writing tools (pencils, little dictionary, editing pencil, a shared journal, whisper phone to read their writing, etc.). Every weekend, one of the students will be able to take it home and write about any topic that fits their interest - a favorite memory, cool recipe, how to directions for their favorite game, or a funny story. Hopefully this will work collaboratively with the parents to become a part of their learning in a way that is exciting and effective. When the special student returns on Monday, he/she get to display their writing along with a bio about themselves for they will be the "Author of the week".
Isn't this little suitcase so adorable? They are going to be so cute going home with it each weekend.

It works out perfectly that our display for each author is right where we all stand to line up. It will always be in sight for everyone in the class! Why not add a comments jar for friends to share what they like about the writing?

The "Writer's Suitcase" display :)

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