I knew this moment would come. The moment when past shopping decisions would start coming back to humor me. Back when I was getting the classroom decorated, I was out getting pillows made. I was told that it would be wise to purchase the actual pillow inserts, but I realized that I could just buy the fuzz stuff for a 1/4 of the price! Who wouldn't go for a deal like that? A year and a half later, I realized why I should have listened to the market ladies.
Closely hung winter jackets + LICE outbreak = washing everything with fabric in your classroom!
Even though we only have one student with lice in our classroom, I spent the whole afternoon "de-stuffing" all eight pillows. Carpets are shampooed and everything else is in the wash machine. Hopefully we can get rid of this fast!

I'll have a lot of fun come Monday morning trying to shove all of this back in each pillow. Just look at the pile of bags I have to work with!

Maybe the markets are not always trying to rip you off....maybe there is quite a bit of wisdom in how they sell you stuff. Noted for later trips ;)
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