If I earned a penny for every time my students said/did something hysterical, I would be pretty rich. I should have had a notebook titled "Kid Quotes" at the beginning of the year to just record them all. I was able to document a few of the moments that were in writing...everything else depends on my memory (which usually fails me an hour after the moment). Before our science unit on Materials & Objects, I had the students work together in groups to make a KWL chart (What they
Know, what they
Want to know, and the what they
Learned would be later). According to one of my students, his knowledge of materials and objects was that squirrels were made of meat. He even drew a picture with a label! At least that wasn't his question, because I am definitely not talking about the properties and materials of animals...

For our writer's suitcase that has been going home each weekend, one precious girl decided to paste some of the wallpaper from her new house into our writer's notebook. The students take the whole week to fill our comment jar, and I decided to read a few of them. Here's one (from the same student as above)..."I like the way you put the wallpaper in the journal (It feels good!)". I love how kids talk to each other....especially these two. They are both American in a sea of Korean students so they have a natural draw and bond to each other. I find it hard not to laugh at their interactions at times. One time when he was telling her some fascinating information about dolphins, he proceeded to act out how they can stick their noses 1 inch from your face. Boy was she startled! I just walked away laughing to myself I almost cried.
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