you have to eat dinner in the pool.

One word to describe my disposition last week would have been "lethargic". While we are so thankful to have air conditioning units in the bedrooms, the 100 degree heat cut through the rest of the house like a plague. Hmm.....where to go and escape? The bedroom? No, I would feel too anti-social. The pool? Well, my fingers are already prune-ish from the last hour I was in. I guess that leaves a local air conditioned coffee shop! Aside from the family gatherings (around the pool), and the exhausting heat, I had a wonderful time catching up with old friends. Oh how much our visits filled my heart with gladness!
Heather it was so good to catch up, collaborate, and connect as we shared our international teaching stories. Looking forward to your new changes this year!

Kirsten, my heart is so sad that we forgot to take pictures of my "train trip" to go and visit you. I'll just put up an old picture of us ;). What fun it was to reminisce, walk through the NJ towns, and watch old movies on the lawn. And then to top it off, I got to be your roomie again for old times sake! Oh how I miss you already.

And my Langhorne girls....even though some of you are missing. Just to catch up and hear where you are in the journey of life was so encouraging. Keep plugging away, whether it be schooling, tough jobs, broken cars, or wedding can do it!

I thought I would put up a "recap" post since we are now tucked away in the heart of the Adirondacks again. Peaceful and beautiful as ever, yet now with a baby/toddler twist. Oh the joys of being an aunt to three nieces and an adorable nephew!
Yes, it was great to catchup! Thanks so much, Lauren! Oh, and I got the CAFE book today!!! :)