Sunday, September 22, 2013

Praying through a name, Nora Grace

When Dave and I were thinking of what to name our daughter, we had quite a difficult time at first.  It makes it rather challenging to come up with something when one person wants a name they hear often, while the other one wants something  that is not as common and not heard often.  How in the world do you compromise with that?!?  We finally came to an agreement that we would choose a name that sounded sweet when she was young, but then would age well with her and sound mature when she was older.  That's when we came across Nora.  No, we didn't go about looking for meanings first.  No, we didn't pass down any family names, and we didn't choose something biblical.  Just something that would transition from sweet to mature.  A couple months later, I decided to look deeper into her name and it was then that the Lord did a beautiful thing through a name we just "came up with".  He gave it meaning.  He transformed her name into a prayer using that meaning, and he revealed to me how to be intentional in my prayers for her.  Here's how it all went down in our journal for her:

July 24, 2013
Nora Grace,

Here I am spending time with Jesus and thinking about you all at the same time.  It is difficult not to think about you at a time like this for He is doing a mighty work in you already!  This morning I couldn't help but think of your name.  Nora is said to mean "honor and light".  When I think of honor, I think not of how people will honor you, but how you will seek after what is honorable.  Paul says "whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, or worthy of praise, to think on these things." My prayer for you Nora, honorable one, is that you would chase after what is honorable with all your heart and seek after truth.  Your middle name is Grace, and I think this speaks for itself.  In this world Nora  there will be much imperfection and unneeded anxiety or fear that is accompanied with it.  I pray that you would receive His grace to you so that you can give His grace to the world.  May the world see Jesus in you baby girl.  Never let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example to the believers...and the world!  When I whisper your name on my lips, Nora Grace, in that moment I am praying that you strive after what is honorable, receive His grace, and freely pour it out as a light to the world.  A short and simple prayer, but I promise to fervently pray that over you.  Live up to your name, Nora.  May you forever be a sweet fragrance of your Savior.

"I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth."
 - Isaiah 49:6

In the moments when she's screaming and I don't have words to calm her down, may I pray her own name over her....Nora Grace, Nora Grace, Nora Grace.  Seek a light....receive and give grace.

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