I've really been searching for a redeemed perspective to this whole "Mom attached" phase. I understand it is a developmental mark and therefore should be something that reassures me. Yet hearing my child scream for the entire 2 minutes of my bathroom escape, or for the 5 minutes to prepare her lunch, or the 10 minutes to grab a shower, makes it...difficult.
"Ummm...where do you think you're going?" |
Being the verbal processor that I am, most of my convictions come when I'm sharing my heart with someone. Just the other day I happened to be explaining this whole "phase" to my mom and I had said something along the lines of:
"It's like she constantly needs to be reassured that I love her or something! Even though I just got done tickling her, smooching her, and cuddling with her..."
The very moment those words left my mouth, I felt a pang of guilt. Wow, Lauren...what a terrible thing...to reassure your daughter of your love, over and over and over. Why is that such a burden to you?
Babies have this innate way to make fools of adults, shame the wise, and humble the proud. They just don't know their secret power. The very moment we get aggravated by something they are doing, we are most likely guilty of the SAME exact thing!
"I'm going to play and keep one eye on you at the same time..." |
We as adults (at least myself), are constantly seeking approval...all...the...time. Whether we verbalize it or just long for it deep inside, there is this forever "attachment" to being loved, feeling appreciated or being accepted. We either incessantly ask other people "Do you think this is okay?" or we let the thoughts of "I hope she isn't mad at me" consume us.
"Don't you go making any fast moves, Mom!" |
At how intense I thought my daughter's attachment was to feeling reassured, mine is that much stronger. And I know better than to think I'm not already IMMEASURABLY accepted, loved, and appreciated. Whenever I allow myself to be attached to the approval of others, may I remember the truth that I AM approved, loved, and accepted. And that's coming from someone who has perfection as His standard!
The prize winning look as I go into the kitchen, or the bathroom,
or any other room for that matter. |
I don't have to freak out when I don't sense His presence. Cause I know better. He loves me the same that he did 5 minutes ago, accepts me the same as he did 10 minutes ago, and longs for me to embrace that every waking moment. So bring on the shrill screams, Nora. For with each one, you are allowing our Heavenly Father to reveal to me how ridiculous I look when I forget His love for me. Like your precious Jesus Storybook Bible says: "God loves His children - with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love."
But this look is my absolute favorite...aka "Daddy's home!" |
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