Saturday, October 24, 2009

Move to China = extended honeymoon

Taxi's, bikes, buses, over-night and bullet trains, mopeds, planes and cars.....all have been traveled on by the Evans' upon arriving to China. What an adventure! Who thought that leaving for China a week after our honeymoon would mean that the fun would end.

Our first Christmas was a very sweet and memory-filled time. We both enjoyed creating new memories together as we strung dates and popcorn to hang on our tree, made cookies, stuffing, played in the snow, and went caroling (what an experience). It felt so magical as we spent the night in the living room with hot chocolate watching "White Christmas", only to wake up Christmas morning to see it snowing! What a beautiful moment. Simply other words. I must say though that getting back into the groove of things after having two weeks off, was a bit challenging. Especially when you affix yourself to be in the mood of sitting around with hot chocolate with Christmas tunes floating in the background.

Attempting to make stuffing...

Here are a few pictures of our latest trip to Guaminshan:

Hiding behind a waterfall of ice!


While we both feel quite guilty for not updating, we are realizing at the same time how important it is to document all of our life's journey's. How quickly everything can overlap and become a blur without it! Some of our latest adventures (particularly Guilin) are documented on facebook so you can take a look. We love you all!


  1. Thanks for the update! Very nice pictures!

  2. Thanks, Lauren and Dave! I have heard some brief updates from Kelsey and Mrs. Chase... but I miss you lots!! Lauren, I thought about you a lot at Urbana when I was with your family, and one the singers reminded me so much of you! Praying for you.

    P.S. I applied and am currently in the interview process for teaching at the Black Forest Academy in Germany! Please pray for wisdom... not sure if this is what God wants me to do, but He will make His plans known in His time.
