While many teachers are stressing out about the big move, I have actually been pretty pumped about it. It is almost like a fresh start for me, since the first couple months of teaching I quickly realized what I wanted to change yet I did not have the time to rearrange my room. Now I am forced to have that time! What a blessing :) Some of my new ideas won't happen until next year (since one of them is replacing the desks with trapezoid tables), but my creative juices have been flowing.
One of my new projects are "Reading Phones" or "Whisper Phones" for my kids to use when reading independently. My students read very loud when they are reading to themselves, but hopefully this will improve the volume of the classroom during silent reading time. They were so easy to make and so inexpensive!

And my last and final project is to start crocheting a blanket for our living room. The only thing is that at the rate I am going, I won't be done until the summer and then we wouldn't want to use it then. Maybe I'm just planning ahead for next winter......yeah, that's it ;)
Aside from my little projects that keep me busy and motivated, both Dave and I are doing really well. We were bummed today when we forgot to bring our cameras on our biking outing. We biked about two miles down the river - except when we say down the river, we mean to say ON the river....it was completely frozen! Hopefully this weekend we will take the overnight train and head up to Harbin to see the ice sculptures (we hear it is beautiful). Don't worry, pictures will definitely be posted after that trip ;)
Love you all, thanks for those who read.......
I loved reading this blog! Oh come home and play with us! We got to go sledding the other day---we got our first snow! How is married life? It was so wonderful to see you post. Oh how I miss you.