So it happened. The big move has come and gone, and the progress toward a fresh start once again is just beginning. It is late at night, and both my body and my brain hurt from lifting and brainstorming where things should go. I had not realized how difficult it would be to lead a team that is asking you where to put things, when you haven't a clue where you want to put it yet! There was a lot of "that sounds great", or "whatever you think", or even "I don't care!" coming from my end. Hopefully they were seeing my smile underneath all of the commands :) Here are a few pictures from the pack up and moving out process.

As you can see, I have more "width" to this classroom which allows me to actually have a carpet below my whiteboard! Yay! I can actually have them closer to me when I teach. Sorry, I sound like such a nerd....but it is still exciting.
Dave also moved classrooms - he is not longer on the same floor as me which is sad, but he is loving his new "spacious" classroom. He is so optimistic about this whole thing...he secretly inspires me to be positive in all thing.
Now that we have off for the next two weeks, I will be planning on coming back in to my classroom and fixing things up...more pictures will be posted with the final touches!
In the new room (formerly the 5th grade)
As you can see, I have more "width" to this classroom which allows me to actually have a carpet below my whiteboard! Yay! I can actually have them closer to me when I teach. Sorry, I sound like such a nerd....but it is still exciting.
Dave also moved classrooms - he is not longer on the same floor as me which is sad, but he is loving his new "spacious" classroom. He is so optimistic about this whole thing...he secretly inspires me to be positive in all thing.
Now that we have off for the next two weeks, I will be planning on coming back in to my classroom and fixing things up...more pictures will be posted with the final touches!
This is a fun look, but I am having trouble reading the print. Can you make the font a darker color?