Monday, June 13, 2011

Down by the river...

It feels so great to be outdoors where the nature surrounds us. Not to say that we don't enjoy living the city life, yet the desire for fresh air, daily hikes, and water adventures sure make us homesick.

A lot has happened since I wrote my last blog post. Family visits, road trips and being in locations with no internet will do that to ya. But as I sit here in New York feeling quite rested knowing I'll be in one spot for at least two weeks, I'll catch up a bit.

Pennsylvania was deadly hot for the first couple days we were there....deadly like almost 100 degrees with humidity so thick you could cut it. If we weren't out on shopping trips or driving to memorable food hotspots you would find us near water. Oh heavenly, cool, and refreshing water. One particularly warm day we all decided to head down to the river and kayak/canoe. What a fun day! It was not until then that I fully realized my skin's deficiency of Vitamin D. I will definitely have to work on getting a base tan before we take on Florida's rays in July...

Here's the whole gang. The kayak (a.k.a the "banana") was my mom's latest Mother's day present. What a well loved and worthwhile gift!

Instead of being called the Evans, we should be called the "Pasteys". We got so many pale jokes from my siblings you wouldn't even imagine (they are all so tan!). At least our skin tone is favored in China ;).

We tried to take this picture like five times. We couldn't get the camera to take fast enough before I had already swung back to the tree. All was fun with that swing until a spider the size of a ping-pong ball decided to join me...

It's the river now, but in only one day our next destination is the lake! From pool to river to lake, oh what fun.

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