or go near the floating dock or even eat his food before you prayed with him. Who knew that even dogs can have such distinctive quirks!?! This weekend Dave's friend brought his dog "Macguyver" to come and join along in the fun. His dog had so many funny antics, yet the most noticeable one was his fear with water. He would not even step close to the floating dock...even with a trail of dog treats leading the way!
Here we are making a trail for him to even get close to the dock. Wish you could see his shaking legs...poor dog.

Adam finally gave up on him and just threw him in the water....of course not without a fight.

"Hey wait, maybe I do like this!" Even though he never went back in...

This was where we sat all day long. Relaxing huh?

And to think that summer has only just begun!
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